Marek Gróbarczyk, Member of the European Parliament
European Conservatives and Reformists Member
Law and Justice Member
Born on 13 March 1968, Nowy Sącz
- Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
- Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
- Committee on Fisheries
- Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America
- Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
- Graduate in mechanical engineering, Ship Power Plant Operation Department, Gdynia Maritime University (1993). Postgraduate studies in digital telecommunications at the Bydgoszcz Academy for Engineering and Agriculture (1998).
- Mechanic 4th class on merchant vessels (1993-1995). Site manager; manager in transport firms (1995-2006). Chairman of ZWRI Tarnów, member of the Board of ZA Tarnów (2006-2007).
- Minister of Maritime Affairs (2007-2008); maritime affairs expert in the Polish President's Office (2008-2009).
- Member of the European Parliament 2009 - 2014
- Member of the European Parliament 2014 -2019
European Conservatives and Reformist Group
The European Conservatives and Reformists group was created in 2009 to campaign for urgent reform of the European Union. We believe it is time to make Europe work again: both economically and for its people. Bringing together 70 MEPs from 15 EU countries, we are currently the third largest group in the European Parliament.
Watch an introductory video to the ECR Group

The ECR’s founding ideals are based on the Prague Declaration, which calls for an EU of openness, transparency, and particularly eurorealism.
The eurorealism concept distinguishes the ECR’s agenda from the other political groups. We believe in a new direction for the EU, which does not destroy the organisation or undermine cooperation.
However, we want to steer the EU away from the ideological march towards a European federal super state and towards a more flexible organisation that listens to and respects people in all of its member countries. Instead of clinging to outdated ideals of European integration we believe in equipping the EU with the practical solutions required to rise to today’s challenges.
We want to make the EU open for trade, closer to its people, living within its means and delivering value, and respectful of the diversity across Europe. Above all, we want an EU of cooperation and common sense.
Despite being a new group we have already managed to make a major difference to the European political landscape. Just a few of our successes include:
- Securing a more rational EU budget
- Bringing an end to years of fisheries mismanagement
- Driving the opening of trade across the world
- Leading the campaign to save money by ending the monthly ‘Travelling Circus’ to Strasbourg
- Helping entrepreneurs, cutting red tape and completing the single market.